
Hi! My name is Sushant Raikar and I am a Computer Science Masters student at University of Waterloo.

This is my journal to keep track of all the projects I do and all the Technologies I come across. I have a poor memory and over the years I felt like I am losing touch with my knowledge and skills as time progresses.

My brain is like a LRU cache, it discards knowledge which I don’t use. And that is understandable, why? because even the best of the Fictional minds have this problem. Like for instance, Sherlock Holmes doesn’t know that the earth revolves around the sun. He tells Watson that he doesn’t retain information which doesn’t make “a pennyworth of difference” to him. Well that sounds cool! but, knowledge in Computer Science aren’t merely just collections of facts. Learning is hard and takes time. And after forgetting, learning the same thing again takes equal time and efforts. I want to save time in the long run. This journal is my attempt to do that.

You may find the knowledge I am sharing here to be cryptic. Well, its a journal and the primary reader is going to be me. To save time I will not be writing from scratch, rather I’ll assume the reader knows about the elementary details which I can retain.

But feel free to reach out to me if you have a query.