Hi all, till now we have successfully established a VPN using IPoP. Lets setup SSH so that Bob can remotely access Alice’s computer!

Step 1: Install SSH server

For those who don’t know SSH (Secure Shell Script), it allows you to access a system running a SSH server over a network. Say if Bob wants to remotely use Alice’s computer, then Alice should start a SSH server. Alice will install ssh server by

$ sudo apt-get install openssh-server

and check if it is running (this should result in a process id)

$ pgrep sshd

Step 2: Bob logs in on Alice’s computer

From stage 3, we know that for Bob, Alice’s IP is Bob log’s in by using following command

$ ssh

and enter Alice’s password.

The result is Bob being able to successfully log in to Alice’s computer over the internet.

Successful SSH

To exit back to SSH session run

$ exit

Step 3: Transferring Files

Bob can download files present on SSH server(Alice) to his local system by doing

$ scp user@ /path/to/Destinationfile